Titles Can Be Hard

As I continue to dream about writing and not actually doing it, I’m working on a title for my collection of short stories. I did learn that an ‘anthology’ is a group of stories from different authors while a ‘collection’ is by a single author.

I created a poll on one of the writer Facebook groups I’m in and received some great feedback. Then I took another poll of my kids. Right now, the title is Dragon Bond and Other Fantastical Tales. I’m still considering whether to finish one of my other stories and include it or just go with the five I have. Together they make a 178 page book which is nothing to sniff at. It’s over 40k words.

Unfortunately, I can’t waddle around picking a title because one of my New Year’s resolutions is to publish the thing. Why? Well, I have a 3D printer and dragons are cool! I’d love to be able to sell printed dragons as well as books. Or even just include them as swag, right?! That is what I’m currently working on. Once I’ve settled on a title, then it’s on to cover creation. I’m doing some beta-reading right now and have received great feedback. I’m excited for putting this out there.

This is the Novel Mage saying, *POOF*

About markminson

Mark Minson lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. He enjoys playing games with his wife and five kids. He loves to sing and can often be found whistling as he walks. An avid shoe-wearer, you might run into him strolling down memory lane -- either his or somebody else’s. He brings humor to life through his many accents and movie quotes. He found his magic long ago, in a high school far, far away and now happily shares it with you. May you find your magic and share it with others.
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